A Rewarding Hike in Yosemite

Half Dome and Yosemite Valley, as seen from Cloud's Rest

I have done multiple hikes in Yosemite, from the easy Mirror Lake to strenuous Four Mile Trail to Glacier Point.  But none of them has been as rewarding as the one that I did last weekend.

Cloud's Rest.  Sitting on the summit 1000 ft. higher than Half Dome, I could marvel at unparalleled 360 degrees view of the Yosemite Valley, Half Dome and Southern Sierras.  The vistas were a testament to the glory and reverence for Yosemite National Park.

There are multiple ways to reach Cloud's Rest.  The most challenging of them is the extremely strenuous route all the way from the Yosemite Valley, ascending a staggering 6000 feet in under 10 miles.  I wanted to attempt this but the fear of failure persuaded me to go for the easier route.  I thanked myself for that decision since my schedule got messed up and I would have returned disappointed.

The route which I chose started at Tenaya Lake's Sunrise Lakes Trailhead.  The trailhead elevation is ~8100 ft.  Cloud's Rest is close to 10,000 ft.  Don't get fooled with these numbers.  There are multiple ascents and descents on this trail.  As a result, the net elevation gain is close to 3100 ft.  Another factor to consider is altitude.  3100 ft gain on a trail near sea level is quite different that the same gain at a higher altitude like this.

The trail starts flat and stays flat for about 1.5 miles.  You get warmed up.  Then comes the uphill battle.  The trail climbs 1000 ft. in a mile.  The rocky switchbacks fire up your gluts and quads.  Then, the trail descends 500 ft, clubbed with multiple ascents and descents with reasonable grade.  The last 2 miles are again steep ascent.  The best part of the hike is last 200 ft, very challenging and very rewarding.  What's so unique?  I will let you see that yourself.  But I am sure your adrenaline is going to skyrocket! ;)

The rewards of the hike lie only at the summit.  There are practically no views of the Sierras or the valley along the hike.  That makes the hike monotonous.  But on the flip side, the hike traverses through woods and hence is shaded for a good distance protecting you from scorching sun rays at higher elevation.

It took me 7 hrs, with a 40 min lunch and photography break at the summit.  I expected to finish earlier, but could not.  Bring at least 3 liters of water and food to enjoy at the summit.
